Monday, December 28, 2009

Phrasal Verbs

Phrasal verb

verb + preposition/s
eg. : run down
run out of
run into

(NB: Answers are highlighted in green.)

1. Guess who I ran into at the club!
2.She's always running into her husband.
3.I need to go to the market.I've run out of oil,meat and rice.

Put in a suitable preposition in each space.

1. Hundreds of people turned up in the rain to see the celebrity.
2.Most of my time is taken up with answering the phone.
3.Don't be put off by the price,a cool $ 20,000.
4.Something funny is going on.
5.I think she made up the whole story!
6.Not many people turned up for the last lecture.
7.Don't worry,you can count on me.

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