Saturday, January 16, 2010

POV: Third person

It was 11am and Nikita Razali was snoozing on her bed, wavering between her sweet dream and her reality. She was aware of the time, but simply too lazy to get up. She remained curled up on the bed, squeezing her eyes shut from the sunlight blaring in to put up a pretence to trick her mother. However, unlike fathers, mothers are never fooled. Her mother's piercing voice harshly brought her back to reality. Grumbling to herself, she reluctantly dragged herself out of the bed to crawl towards the bathroom.

After a light brunch of half-boiled eggs and cheese toast, her daily routine on sunny Saturdays began. She cleared the dishes, hung the washed clothes and folded the dry ones while laughing herself silly over the movie "Alvin and the Chipmunks." Her parents arrived back home with a small surprise - McDonald's take-away. It was her favourite - the double-cheese burger. All thoughts of her 2010 resolution to lose weight conveniently crumbled to dust as she gobbled up and savoured each bite.

Her Saturdays were normally time spent on college homework and assignments as well as spending time with her family, whom she saw only twice a week. However, this particular Saturday turned her life upside down. As day gradually turned into night, doom arrived. Her RM4000 pink Sony VAIO Laptop, the laptop she had only purchased ten months ago, turned "bonkers", giving out nerve-wrecking sounds of groaning and crackling. The fact that she needed the laptop for her next two assignments did not help. She remained sullen and cursed her brother, who, naturally, rubbed it in.

Her entire Saturday was ruined. After staying up till 2am to back up her files to prepare for the laptop service, she slipped into a dreadful slumber, and longed for her mother's piercing voice to snatch her away from the nightmare.

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