How does the text relate to the theme of a journey?
- Living in the Somali Desert, Waris and her family had no fixed home and were constantly moving in search of water and food for themselves and their animals. This relates to the theme of a journey - the search for survival.
- There was also a journey in search for independence. Brought up in an environment influenced by traditional African culture, as a daughter, her life was determined by her parents. When she escaped from home, refusing to marry the man her father chose for her, it was the beginning of her journey, traveling from Somalia to London, and many other places thereafter. She achieved her independence as a successful model and later, a UN Ambassador.
- “A Healing Journey” – the award-winning segment made about Waris’ story of surviving female circumcision. This itself is a revelation about how Waris survives through female circumcision. Her journey of meeting new people, placing her trust in people and helping the people around her is in itself a journey to heal her, mentally and physically so that she is able to live in liberty from the darkness of her childhood.
What is the main issue in the text?
- The daily lives of the traditional Somalian nomads. They live without facilities and have to survive with whatever nature provides them with. Despite their harsh life in the desert, Waris and her family survive and make best of what they have.
- Gender discrimination among the nomad society in Somalia. Daughters are sold off in exchange for camels and have to obey the men. All daughters are circumcised, having to suffer in order remain virgins for the men who will marry them later on. This gender mutilation puts many girls at risk, causing genital diseases and even death. The operation itself is done without anesthetic, medical instruments or a proper procedure.
- A black woman from Africa fighting for survival in a world of discrimination. It was difficult for Waris because as a poor Somalian with no proper education, she was looked down by society. The book is written to show the minority that anything is possible, as long as you put your heart into it.
What quality do you admire or dislike in a character?
- Her resourcefulness. She tackled her problem intelligently and came up with brilliant plans and ideas. Her brilliant mind rescued her from being raped and ensured her survival in London. The lack of official documents did not dampen her spirits to travel. Instead, she devised ways to obtain the needed documents.
- Her courage at tackling new things in life. She was not afraid of standing up and protecting her dignity. To escape the fate of being a man’s property for life, she ran away from the only place she calls “home” and dared to venture out into the unknown world on her own. Although she had to live in an alien country where the people did not even speak her language, she was not afraid and dared to test her skills and survived solely on her daring and brave personality.
- Waris is a person who was very grateful of what she had. Although she had such a harsh childhood, she is still very of her African heritage. Her life in the desert taught her to appreciate the nature. Despite her father’s treatment, Waris still loves him and never blamed him for what he did. She is very grateful for everything her mother had done for her, and loves her very much.
How does the text develop your understanding of the world?
- I finally realize that nature is one of the most important aspects of the world. For without nature, we humans will be unable to survive. Waris and her family were very dependent on nature, always searching for water in the Somali desert. They rejoiced when the rain fell, for with it came the richness of nature – the growth of plants and food for themselves and their animals.
- I understand now why some things do not go as planned. Our lives are sometimes in the hands of fate and destiny; our path of life already determined. Sometimes, there is nothing much that we can do about it. Waris believed that she survived because of God’s will,that she was saved from the lion because she was meant to survive. Although some parts of her tough life did not go the way she wanted it, she believed that it was because she was meant for greater things, planned for her by God.
- My childish imagination of the world being a wonderful place was due to the fact that I was brought up in the comfortable environment of my home. However, this book portrays that in reality, the world is a very harsh place to live in. Danger is everywhere, and I must be diligent, alert, quick-minded and courageous to be able to protect myself and survive the hardships. Waris possessed a brilliant mind and a brave personality. She endured many hardships as a child- working hard in the desert, female circumcision and gender discrimination. This did not stop Waris from striving hard to gain independence and success. There were many dangers when she escaped from Africa. Nevertheless, she managed to leap over the obstacles, becoming what she is today.
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